180 RR Tank - I know Im laughing with you

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
TBT!!!! Man I cant believe I did this lol! Sure wish I never let this beauty go dang it. Been stuck in my 75g ever since.

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
you know.......I wish man. need to find some awesome in wall builds I can show my boss aka wife. I think she might go for it again if I could show her some sweet in wall builds. Wonder where in the heck DBarnes went as he had a sweet in wall build actually!


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
CRW Reef;322144 said:
you know.......I wish man. need to find some awesome in wall builds I can show my boss aka wife. I think she might go for it again if I could show her some sweet in wall builds. Wonder where in the heck DBarnes went as he had a sweet in wall build actually!
Eventually Craigar 660 will be an in wall ;) think you could convince her on that?


SCMAS Board Members
CRW Reef;322144 said:
you know.......I wish man. need to find some awesome in wall builds I can show my boss aka wife. I think she might go for it again if I could show her some sweet in wall builds. Wonder where in the heck DBarnes went as he had a sweet in wall build actually!
I know Eric on SCMAS was selling the in wall acrylic 225g with stand he built for his dad. Tank is in amazing condition and the closed loop is setup perfectly. Not sure if its still for sale.


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Rumen is currently working on an in wall build also!


According to my watch, the time is now.
M.A.S.C Club Member
you know my answer to this dilemma:

distract your boss with sparkly things while you slide a big tank right under her nose and into the house. Then tell her that you want to take her shopping, since she gets to pick the first fish for it.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
CRW Reef;322140 said:
TBT!!!! Man I cant believe I did this lol! Sure wish I never let this beauty go dang it. Been stuck in my 75g ever since.
I know the feeling Chad. I sometimes regret selling my 180g too. But I did recently pick up an oceanic 150g tall starphire tank for a crazy deal. It is a great tank and the only way I'm selling that one is for an upgrade to a much better setup like Dr Harlems tank....hahaha.

Oh and speaking of DBarnes, I actually ran into him at a restaraunt in Longmont. He is getting ready to move and asked if I know anyone interested in his tank. Hmmmm might be fate lol. Ttyl.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
CRW Reef;322140 said:
TBT!!!! Man I cant believe I did this lol! Sure wish I never let this beauty go dang it. Been stuck in my 75g ever since.

As soon as I seen the start of this thread, I thought, man talk about pouring some salt on an old wound.... Bam, Chad's holding the shaker!!