A Critical Assessment of Marine Aquarist Biodiversity Data and Commercial Aquaculture


For Stuffing!
M.A.S.C Club Member


For Stuffing!
M.A.S.C Club Member
Further noting, I find one of more critical things mentioned in this study is the use of reference data from the Marine Breeders Initiative. Connecting the dots, this means that we can have a HUGE impact on any legislation as hobbyists just by documenting spawning events, filling out journals, gathering different data, seeing what works and what doesn't in captive breeding, AND WE DON'T EVEN HAVE TO LEAVE THE FORUMS!!! This is huge!!!

For those of you with the equipment, space, interest and free time, just try it. Seriously. Clear out that neglected corner in the basement or spare room. Mix some salt. Start raising some live foods and get some aquaculture going (Yes, they even have journals for raising plankton!). I know I would be if I had the money to, and even though I don't, I'm still going to do the best I can. Even if it means annoying the crap out of you guys with constant posts and encouraging you fill out a breeding journal for that last spawn event you had, if it means that it can make even the slightest difference, I believe it's worth it. Just because a species is not considered threatened right now doesn't mean they won't be 5 years from now. Imagine the volumes of data that can be collected from dedicated hobbyists like ourselves!

If this constant, consistent, quality data is made available to all enthusiasts, there's no reason anyone couldn't attempt conservation aquaculture in their bedroom closet. I know it would make me feel good inside to know that I'm raising something that is vital to an ecosystem, even if that specimen never see's it's natural habitat, knowing that there could be one piece of the puzzle hidden in the documentation or data that could unlock the mystery of breeding a particular fish.

Let's do it!!!:rockon: