a few different types of zoa's / paly's (at least 7 DBTC's)


M.A.S.C Club Member
I think I can come up with at least 6 frags, or should I say small rocks with following corals on them. Each of these will have somewhere between 8-20 polyps on them.

nuclear holycast and/or bright teal paly's that are similar to nuc holycasts.
ping/silver zoas

I also believe I have at least one with pink and golds. (maybe 6 polyps??)

Why don't I say one person can have one of each of the first 3, another person can have one of each of the first 3, and a third person can have the pink and golds.

I may have extras of everything listed above, so if they are gone, please ask.

There are no rules to this DBTC, other then posting/asking for one of them.

I live near the DTC.


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I would love some !


M.A.S.C Club Member
All 3 of you can have a 3 pack of zoa's if you'd like. Please PM me for pickup.

That leaves a Pink and Gold that is available.