A little Anem question


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Hey all! Was hoping I could pick your brains for a sec on nem behavior.
I have kept a green bta before, and he was great. I always counted myself lucky, because he settled right into a good spot and stayed there for years. (Having heard everyone's horror stories about nems in the pumps or crashing their rockwork or plowing swathes of destruction through their corals...)

Well now...I have a problem. Got a new Sunburst nem, and for the last week he has affixed and hidden behind the main display rocks in the corner. Some flow, almost no light. He looks ok, otherwise. He definitely does not have enough light back there for the long term.
Will he move on his own given time? Or should I annoy him off the rock with a powerhead and try and get him to settle somewhere else.
He came from a tank with slightly more light them mine, so don't think he's hiding from light acclimation.

Any input much appreciated!


Registered Users
M.A.S.C Club Member
It will move on his own.

It is probably stressed out which is why it is hiding in lower light. I would give it a few weeks and see if he moves on his own first.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
He will move, had one split and the new one did the same thing. About 2 weeks later he came back out


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Thanks for the replies guys! I feel a lot better hearing that. Can't wait til he comes out. There isn't a reason not to add clowns at this point is there?


Registered Users
M.A.S.C Club Member
If they host right away they can cause some stress if they are aggressive with him. Probably wont hurt, but if you can would wait a week or two to let the nem get settled.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
I agree with the above statement, wait a bit, however, If you can get a pair to host him it may make him happy and he may come out sooner. Thats what actually happened with mine, they split, the bigger one was being hosted and the small one was not, after about 2 weeks the clowns realized there was another nem in the tank and began to host both, shortly after the little nem popped out and planted himself right next to the big one in full view.


M.A.S.C Club Member
What kind of light did it come from compared to what you have? If your light is more intense I'd shorten the photo period and raise over a coupple of weeks! Also I have noticed sunburst to be more sensitive to alk swings so try and watch that if you can!