Also have a large refugium, lights, overflows, skimmer, etc. that will be available soon.
I like Tacos Goby Dec 4, 2011 #21 Dec 4, 2011 #21 Also have a large refugium, lights, overflows, skimmer, etc. that will be available soon.
AlgaeBarn Angel Fish Dec 4, 2011 #23 Dec 4, 2011 #23 I might be interested in the skimmer, could you give me a footprint and brand?
A andyrm66 Butterfly Fish Dec 4, 2011 #26 Dec 4, 2011 #26 Think one of them was a ****ed off scribbled rabbit fish. Tehy turn camo when sleeping, ****ed or stressed. This is what it should like like when back to happy.
Think one of them was a ****ed off scribbled rabbit fish. Tehy turn camo when sleeping, ****ed or stressed. This is what it should like like when back to happy.