So I hear you have had good luck w this treatment in tank, can it be done with out affecting inverts? I just pulled the frags that that were infected and tossed them. Pm sent jd
If some one has the link, posting it may help others in the future. In tank treatment would have saved me a lot of effort... But that's salt water under the bridge now...
Well it's my turn!! Sucks ballz! I bought some coral that was already dipped once upon arrival and dipped again before going into my system. Turns out there must have been some eggs on the coral!! Man i dont know
Well I just took the acros out and dipped a few times pretty aggressively use revive, threw out the ones that looked bad. Heading to the Caribbean this week and didn't want to do anything to not normal sense ill be gone for 7days. When I get back I'll redip and see where I'm at w them.