Alk, cal, and mag


M.A.S.C Club Member
I just switched to brs from bionic 2 part and have a question about mag since they say to dump 20 oz or something like that after each gal of alk and cal have been used. My question is wouldnt that just nuke the whole tank since mag raises alk and cal?


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mag doesn't raise alk, I don't think. BRS recommends the same thing. I'd test your mag before dosing. Depending on the salt you use and how often you do water changes you may not need it. imho


According to my watch, the time is now.
M.A.S.C Club Member
I've never heard that mag affects alk. It will help raise calc, kinda. If your mag is low, the water doesn't seem to absorb calc additives. So if you're adding tons of calc and not seeing the numbers come up, raising your mag should resolve it. Doc Tutu is right - don't add mag unless you test first and it needs it.


M.A.S.C Club Member
That's what I thought but I was ready Randy's 2 part. This solution is added much less frequently than the other two parts. Each time you finish adding a gallon of both parts of Recipe #1, add 610 mL (2 ½ cups) of this stock solution. You can add it all at once or over time as you choose, depending on the aquarium's size and set up. Add it to a high flow area, preferably a sump. In a very small aquarium, or one without a sump, I suggest adding it slowly.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I thought adding mag will raise both alk and cal. Anyone using Randy's 2 part maybe can chime in on this?


M.A.S.C Club Member
Well I just did some more reading and I think you guys might be right. I might not worry about mag too much unless for some reason my parameters is out of wack and I can't get it to go up no matter how much I dose. Then just dose mag thx!


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I use Randy's 2 part. I never blindly add mag without testing first. As Doc said it really has alot to do with how often you do water changes and what salt you use. Many elements are replaced by simple water changes. Depending on your mag test, I wouldn't raise more than 100 ppm per day.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I have been using esv bionic and never had I have to add mag and I do water changes every 2/3 months but since I'm changing to this Randy's 2 part thing I just want to be sure what I'm doing


Cleaner Shrimp
BPreefer;259042 said:
I use Randy's 2 part. I never blindly add mag without testing first. As Doc said it really has alot to do with how often you do water changes and what salt you use. Many elements are replaced by simple water changes. Depending on your mag test, I wouldn't raise more than 100 ppm per day.
+ 1


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not ofter, had to search for my test kit today. lol I am using kent and the mag is at 1600!!!


M.A.S.C Club Member
I see. I never really worried about mag that much (maybe its the esv bionic) but since im setting a big tank up i was worried more about consumptions if its different at all from a smaller tank


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
I test once a month, and I find MAG is the other part of the holly trinity (others being ALK and CALC). When MAG gets low, I think it means the ios are out of ballance and your ALK tests aren't as accurate. You're welcome to bring some water over and I'll test it for you. I dose once a week, a full glass (~16oz) as per the Randy's 2 part.... that should be called 3 part. //Dave


M.A.S.C Club Member
But have you seen your tank?? Ahahahaha once i get my tank going, its cycling now and won't be for a minute before i start adding things but once all of that is done im down to swing by your place for a chat! And maybe bring a pen and pad ahahhahaha


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
from everything I understand, Mag helps Calc and Alk "do their thing", bind to each other or whatever the word is that describes how it helps to build coral skeleton. When in the right proportion to each other they will function as they're naturally suppose to. Also read somewhere that in seawater, Mag is naturally 3 times that of Cal. I dunno, i keep mine between 1350 - 1500 as it helps prevent algea growth :)