Wow-- a bunch of great input and posts, thanks all!
You all make me what to get a NEM even more than I did before-- but I will resist (for now)! If there is a split in anyone's tank, would anyone be willing to make a deal? I have so few creatures/corals right now that I couldn't trade, unless I trade in the form of greenbacks

As for my tank and it's conditions/stability, like I said before, so far, it's solid-- no swings, the water looks great, algae grows but never too fast and it's lazily eaten by the snails. I haven't seen anything to suspect any deeper lying issues-- my corals, of what I have, expand wonderfully every day. Sometimes a ric or two will seem smaller-than-normal, but in a day or two, they're back to being full again. And my zoas are rockstars. I don't know if they even have names, but I call them green and orange. Green is a strong grower and has been doing so steadily for a few months. Orange is growing like a weed. I really should place a rock next to it to frag it. The only other creature in the tank besides the CUC members, is my sixline. Re-Pete, his name, has been in for 3 months and has done really well. He's fat on pods and is amazing in his color.
as I mentioned before, I'm getting three new fish and several corals this Saturday. It's a 46 gallon tank and in what I would consider excellent water condition. Will the addition of three fish (two percs and one bicolor) potentially spike my tank? I wouldn't think so but I might as well ask more seasoned reefers.
The corals I am expecting are the frogspawn the percs host, several more rics, zoas, palys and mushrooms. I don't believe any of these corals (unless they die!) will place a big bioload on the tank, will they? I understand zoas, palys and mushrooms are more of water filters, but I'm not certain of the frogspawn.
Due to unprecedented levels of home repairs, I have no issues holding off on the NEM purchase for now as I'm giving my money away to repair people, but I am concerned of a spike in my tank with the refugees moving in. Anyone have any advice or experience that may help with the new arrivals?