Apex programming for Dual Gyre alternating


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Hey all -

Just wondering if someone has a program for providing alternate power to 2 gyres (or any pump for that matter) so that each one will come on for 5 mins constantly.




Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I think you want and OSC statement, and you use 2 outlets on your EB8.

Pump 1
Fallback ON
OSC 000:00/005:00/005:00 Then ON

Pump 2
Fallback ON
OSC 005:00/005:00/000:00 Then ON

OSC normally has three values: 000:00/000:00/000:00 in the form of: off time/on time/off time

That's all I know about OSC, I'd ask Zombie if you can't get this to work.


M.A.S.C Club Member
What Chris said above was correct. If you want more depth in the control like changing intensity and direction with the apex, you need an ice cap interface. Fallback can be either way. I prefer to have Fallback ON for half my pumps and Fallback OFF for the other half to avoid sandstorms in the event the energy bar loses communication with the base unit.
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M.A.S.C Club Member
mortimersnerd;367733 said:
How about the same question, but for a pair of waveline pumps controlled by variable speed ports on a VDM?
Looks like my previous post ended up blank. You want to do this, where X is the pulse length you want in seconds (or 1/10 of a second for wave making)

WaveL (odd numbered profile)
Type : Pump
Synchronize : Disable
Divide By 10 : either
Initial off time : X
ON time : X
Off time : 0
Min intensity : 0
Max intensity : whatever you want

WaveR (following even numbered profile)
Type : Pump
Synchronize : Enable
Divide By 10 : either
Initial off time : 0
ON time : X
Off time : X
Min intensity : 0
Max intensity : whatever you want

PumpL (varspd)
Fallback ON
Set WaveL

PumpR (varspd)
Fallback OFF
Set WaveR

Then add complexity to your hearts desire (vary intensity or pulse length with time, random aspects, feed timers, etc)


M.A.S.C Club Member
SkyShark;367735 said:
Are the gyres build for that kind of use? That's a lot of on and off for them
Gyres soft start, so it's not an issue