ATO Question

I'm really working on fixing my issues and I think I am just about there! Thanks for all the help so far :)

I have a smart ATO on a RSM 130d using a cadlights mini (50pls) skimmer. The collection cup is currently wet skimming because I am trying to be proactive as suggested and I honestly cannot dial this thing in at the moment. If I am taking out a cup a day (its not a whole lot, maybe 5 ounces) I am wondering will I dilute the saline levels enough to have to add some more salt? I am monitoring the levels 2 times a week but am not sure if I should be checking 2 times a day and how to compensate for the salt loss.

Thanks all!


M.A.S.C Club Member
That much on a 130D will not make a difference over a short time period. Even an entire weeks worth will only change salinity by about 0.1 ppt. IMO I would just empty the vessil once or twice a week, measure how much got taken out, and add the same amount of fresh saltwater.
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Yep agree, its not going to make that much difference in the end. I would just check sal once a week and if it has deviated at all I would just add some fresh saltwater like zombie mentioned. Either way you should be good. I'd be more concerned with keeping alk and calc stable and maybe raising the mag a bit to help combat the algae
Awesome, thank you both! I was thinking that there would be some major shift. I do need to figure out how to get the water flow to take in the dirty water, right now the chamber is filling up and its not skimming much. I will update on my big post! Adding a current pick on my original post.


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Ghxst;328441 said:
Awesome, thank you both! I was thinking that there would be some major shift. I do need to figure out how to get the water flow to take in the dirty water, right now the chamber is filling up and its not skimming much. I will update on my big post! Adding a current pick on my original post.
Honestly I would be surprised if there was any shift at all. most of the salt in the water will separate out of the skim mate as it is turned into foam. A small amount will make it into the skim but I wouldn't think very much would at all