Well its been awhile since my last login to the forums..
An update.. The 125 was growing great until Friday before last.
My wife calls me at work and frantically tells me the tank is leaking..
I haul *** home and sure enough the bottom seam has sprung open.
After sitting for over a year with no problems hows does this happen??
I still don't know..
So we gather up all the buckets and totes, get all the coral and live stock out and pump out what water is left.
I called a buddy, he came over and helped get the tank out, only to find that it wasn't worth fixing..
SO... He offered me his 150 tall that he hasn't setup yet. I'm so grateful for friends like this..
That night I borrowed some industrial dryer fans from a friend to dry out my hardwood floor. ( about 40 gallons of water leaked total.)
So the next day we move both tanks.. what a pain in my back.. After the 150 gets here to the house, I have to rip apart the in wall stand as the 125 was a long and we have to rebuild it to fit the 150. Needless to say I'm not done putting the wall back together
But we did get the plumbing done and start to get the tank back together.. ( I hate having to do this as I run a nice sandbed and everything gets all messed up.) So after the sand and base rock is in the tank we fill it with the water we salvaged from the 125 and mix the rest new.
(Thank god I had 75 gallons of ro water stored).
Well the result is ok I suppose, I need alot more rock to even out the look of the tank, and I need new lights..
My lights are 72 inch T5's 4 bulbs each so 8 4 foot bulbs in total. So if anyone has some 48 inch hybrids or a good halide setup they would be interested in trading left me know please, my acro's are not liking this setup no enough light in the tank..
Some pics of before the disaster and then after..
AFTER: ( mind you I still have alot of work to do..)
I'm not showing the full wall shots cause it really looks like crap, had to pull out alot of drywall, framing etc.. I'll post pics once I get it all repaired.
I am happy to still have a tank, but what a pain the the butt. And to think I got the tank back up and running and I only spent 30 bucks on plumbing gear.. I wish I had the capital to by new lights but that won't be in the budget until Feb. Not sure what I'm gona do, can't even get out of town as my truck has issues lol..
An update.. The 125 was growing great until Friday before last.
My wife calls me at work and frantically tells me the tank is leaking..
I haul *** home and sure enough the bottom seam has sprung open.
After sitting for over a year with no problems hows does this happen??
I still don't know..
So we gather up all the buckets and totes, get all the coral and live stock out and pump out what water is left.
I called a buddy, he came over and helped get the tank out, only to find that it wasn't worth fixing..
SO... He offered me his 150 tall that he hasn't setup yet. I'm so grateful for friends like this..
That night I borrowed some industrial dryer fans from a friend to dry out my hardwood floor. ( about 40 gallons of water leaked total.)
So the next day we move both tanks.. what a pain in my back.. After the 150 gets here to the house, I have to rip apart the in wall stand as the 125 was a long and we have to rebuild it to fit the 150. Needless to say I'm not done putting the wall back together
But we did get the plumbing done and start to get the tank back together.. ( I hate having to do this as I run a nice sandbed and everything gets all messed up.) So after the sand and base rock is in the tank we fill it with the water we salvaged from the 125 and mix the rest new.
(Thank god I had 75 gallons of ro water stored).
Well the result is ok I suppose, I need alot more rock to even out the look of the tank, and I need new lights..
My lights are 72 inch T5's 4 bulbs each so 8 4 foot bulbs in total. So if anyone has some 48 inch hybrids or a good halide setup they would be interested in trading left me know please, my acro's are not liking this setup no enough light in the tank..
Some pics of before the disaster and then after..
AFTER: ( mind you I still have alot of work to do..)
I'm not showing the full wall shots cause it really looks like crap, had to pull out alot of drywall, framing etc.. I'll post pics once I get it all repaired.
I am happy to still have a tank, but what a pain the the butt. And to think I got the tank back up and running and I only spent 30 bucks on plumbing gear.. I wish I had the capital to by new lights but that won't be in the budget until Feb. Not sure what I'm gona do, can't even get out of town as my truck has issues lol..