Best Way To Treat An Algae Covered Zoa?

I picked up a 15-20 head zoa from Aquamart and it's beenin my tank about 5-6 days. It hasn't opened up yet, and I'm starting to seetraces of green on it, in between and around the zoa. I dipped it during theacclimation prior to putting it into my tank, but that isn't as much for algae,to my understanding. Any ideas on how to treat this? There's an article in the May/June 2010 Coral magazine that suggests using a50% Hydrogen Peroxide and 50% Seawater dip for 5 minutes. Anyone try this, orsomething similar? I'm working on the source of the algae, but as far as treatments for this colony, any ideas?

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Dave were they open nice and big when you bought them?

I have put Zoas in a peroxide makeup before and it does great on GHA. I use RO to cover Frag then pour peroxide in until it starts to bubble. Then leave alone for 4-5 mins, take out and dip and swish in separate tank water then return to my DT. No expert but that's what I have done with out casualty.
I think I'll try a 50/50 mix first, and go from there since no one seems to have had any problems with using peroxide. Chad, yeah, they were open nice at Aquamart which is why I bought it. It was a multi colored purple zoa, which looked great. I was hoping to post on here to determine what they were, but the little buggers haven't opened yet. This is the same colony that I posted as the Catnip Zoa because the hermits were all over them. I guess they were just eating the algae as it grew on the corals. I have them on a steep ledge on the back wall fairly high up, so I haven't had a problem with the hermits lately, just the algae. I'll dip, keep them in a high flow area, and fairly high up in the tank.
I'll dip tomorrow and hope to post soon with an ID.
They actually responded very well to a 50/50 Hydrogen Peroxide and Seawater dip for 5 minutes. I did some light brushing with a soft infant toothbrush. They've opened up nicely now. I need to get a picture on here for a good Zoa ID.