Black sand???


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Anyone have some black sand left over from a build?? Im looking for enough to cover a 12"x 10" square an inch or two deep for a 3gal office tank. Let me know what ya got and what ya want.


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Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
dirtefish said:
Slight hijack does that stuff stick to magnets? Just curious have heard mixed reviews

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Some does. I had some that didn't, I can't remember the name though. Crusty sold it to me a few years ago

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Nice was considering black if I cand find non magnetic.
Other thought if its not the argonite calcium based sand does it mess with params at all or are u just losing that little bit of buffer

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M.A.S.C Club Member
Pretty sure this is the stuff I used. I mixed mine with regular white. I can say that it is not magnetic as near as I can tell. My Magnavore does not pick it up when I scrape down into the sand bed.[h=1]CaribSea Tahitian Moon Reef & Marine Substrate[/h]