Board Elections-2018


Hey you
M.A.S.C Club Member
thanks but I will likely never join the BOD, not because I have anything against it. I would love to help but I have several limits and a couple of big scheduling limits. I said it years ago but please dont nominate me. I'll donate frags, pay fees, buy raffle tickets and help when I can but I can't join the BOD, even as MAL.


Staff member
M.A.S.C Club Member
M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
M.A.S.C President
M.A.S.C Webmaster
Well current accepted nominations are
Vp - Mike Mural
Secretary - halmus Jacob
Mal- Chris Brown
Mal- Mike Lemke

Still accepting nominations through August 3rd though, so keep them coming

Sent from my Nexus 6 using MASC mobile app


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Hey man hope everything’s ok!!
Same here. I remember that you had to decline due to impending fatherhood... is everything ok?
I hope everything is good Juan, thinking and hoping good thoughts for you and yours.
Sent from my iPhone using MASC - Marine Aquarium Society of Colorado
Thank you for all the kind words. To keep this thread on track I’m going to go ahead and just explain in club chat.
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Staff member
M.A.S.C Club Member
M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
M.A.S.C President
M.A.S.C Webmaster
Last day to get those nominations in


Staff member
M.A.S.C Club Member
M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
M.A.S.C President
M.A.S.C Webmaster
Alright, Congrats to Mike, and Jacob on their new positions in the BOD!
Look for a new post to vote for your favorite new MAL members.