Bristletooth tang to rehome


M.A.S.C Club Member
Pick up in Ft. Collins.

This is sometimes called the indian gold ring bristletooth (Ctenochaetus truncatus). Similar to a kole tang. This fish is harassing my other fish so I've decided to rehome it. It's probably only 4 inches or so, still growing. I've had it since it was solid yellow juvenile coloration. I think I paid $100 for it but would be happy to trade for a couple of frags. It's a nice looking fish, I'm just tired of it beating the crap out of my goby and blenny. It ignores my clownfish and damsels. Probably just needs a few larger tangs to put it in its place. IMG_0132.jpg IMG_0112.jpg IMG_0130.jpg


Angel Fish
Yeah. It’s so weird. Those fish cannot stand gobies, I don’t understand it at all. Had this happen to me too.


M.A.S.C Club Member
It is super weird. This fish HATES my yellow watchman goby. Like the goby said something really horrendous about its mama or something. I'm surprised the goby is still alive and eating, but it's hanging in for now.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I can come and get it after you catch it. I only really have acropora, but I can bring you a few frags.

I have plenty of tanks with peaceful fish that it won't be able to bully at all.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Thanks Doug.

Scott Chase reached out to me earlier about taking him in. If that falls through, I'll let you know and would be game to trade for acro frags. Will keep you posted.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Trying to figure out how to catch this little bugger... anyone near Ft. Collins have a fish trap that I could borrow by chance?


M.A.S.C Club Member
Right on. I'm heading out of town tomorrow for a week but will connect when I'm back. thanks for the offer!


M.A.S.C Club Member
I have one too in Longmont, but Timnath is much closer. If you need any tips to catch them, just hollar. I usually stop feeding the tank and only offer something tasty in the trap, like mysis - after a day or two the fish start to wander in and they get quite bold after a few times.


Cleaner Shrimp
M.A.S.C Club Member
Agreed with JDA. I have two kinds, the box with the gate and the bubble trap that suctions to the glass and you release it once the right fish is inside.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Yeah, this dude is still driving me somewhat nuts. I would love to borrow that fish trap you have in Ft. Collins. My cell is 503-784-7105