Buying at reefstock

Hey all, sorry if this is a lame question, but I have never been to reefstock and I just have a few questions about what to do after I buy something at reefstock. If I pay up front will they hold it? Should I just wait until I am ready to leave to buy, or will the corals survive in the pee cups for 4ish hours? I have always bought and been home within about an hour so I'm not sure if they'll be ok that long. Any advice would be appreciated.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Buying at reefstock

I just bring a cooler the size of a lunch cooler works great. So long as you can keep your frags temp where it should be then they will fine. And best way to keep corals warm is to pack more corals around them ;) ahhhaaa
Dbarnes;230114 said:
I just bring a cooler the size of a lunch cooler works great. So long as you can keep your frags temp where it should be then they will fine. And best way to keep corals warm is to pack more corals around them ;) ahhhaaa
I agree on the extra frags haha. But would a disposable styrofoam cooler work? And wouldn't the cooler itself be cooler than 80 degrees, does it need to be heated beforehand somehow?


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: Buying at reefstock

You need to pay upfront, they might hold it for you, but be aware that they are busy.

I bought a rolling cooler, $20 @ walmart, to hold frags and whatever else I might get. It would be nice if the cooler would double as a chair.

There's a great thread on the SCMAS about this as well.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: Buying at reefstock

H2O_intolerant;230126 said:
You need to pay upfront, they might hold it for you, but be aware that they are busy.

I bought a rolling cooler, $20 @ walmart, to hold frags and whatever else I might get. It would be nice if the cooler would double as a chair.

There's a great thread on the SCMAS about this as well.
Good reminder.

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M.A.S.C Club Member
Elite Reef gave out basic coolers last year at the event...which they may do again hard to say. Most vendors will hold your stuff but again depends on what time of day and avail space. A simple cooler inside the building will keep them plenty warm and healthy until your ready to leave. Remember some of these frags are transported for days in pee cups and they survive just fine. Njoy!


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Don't make the mistake of overheating your cooler either. Found out the hardway using just a bag of warm tapwater that was much warmer than I thought, managed to heat a fairly thick tupperware with a cup or two of water up to 90F...


M.A.S.C Club Member
Just give me your corals and I will hold them for you.