Captive Bred Seahorses

I would like to set up a seahorse aquarium at Highlands Ranch High School, and wondering if anyone knows where to get a couple of captive bred seahorses.
I will have some at some point here (high demand lower stock :/ ) but they need live brine and are a little less interactive than the large ones so I would look into the variety you want and organize a set up. I would be more than happy to answer any questions- I nerd out researching these guys day and night. Nick (Ambrosio's Aquatics) will hopefully be able acquire a pair of larger (either h. reidi or h.kellogi) but it could take months for them to spawn and fry to get larger. and never heard of catfish, but if their captive bred and at a reasonable price I say go for it!!!!


I just Emailed them to see what they have and what price it is as Im always curious about that stuff.
Yeah, just watch those prices and make sure they haven't been there too long, dwarves have a life expectancy of like 3 yrs and larger varieties I think go up to five (could be wrong, I didn't want to search anymore because It was making me sad :( ) I try to sell my dwarves as soon as they reach adult size (6 weeks) so that people have the most time they can get with them. Captive bred is also good because nearly all seahorses are threatened due to eastern cultures distaste for viagra and belief that crushed seahorses is good for virility.


M.A.S.C Club Member
We always have some in stock and they eat frozen mysis shrimp! Let us know and we can save you two. GWA (in FOCO)