Christmas Koralias! Which ones for 120g?

I'm switching out my 3 maxi-jet 1200's for some Koralias - and before you say why not MP-somethings or vortech, the Koralias are in my current price range as my xmas present. I have a couple nems, lots of zoas and some lps like hammers and frogspawn - there are a couple little pieces of sps but mainly softies and nems are what I'm into. Fish load - scooter blenny, maroon clowns, foxface, filefish, 3 chromis, coral beauty. Right now, there are some dead spots like big caves which I can't aim the 1200's into or I'll have a sandstorm (mostly fine oolite with some crushed coral mixed in).

1) How many and 2) what power Koralias would you recommend (I'm thinking either 1150's or 1500's)? I won't be running a wave maker, and this is a sump-less system, so I know I need to figure gph based solely on the powerheads (although I do run an Octopus BH2000 which exchanges a bit of water too). Fosters is running a deal where the 1150's are 39.99 and 1500's are 49.99.

Thanks for any input in advance!


Hammerhead Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
In my opinion go with 1 or maybe 2 wp-25 it is in your price range and is the best bang for your buck at the current moment.

70 bucks each 1 is perfect for a mixed 120g reef. 2 would be for a heavy sps tank. I have 2 currently on my 120g. or 1 of but 2 wp-25s would be better.

For the note of Koralias you would need either 4 1150's or 2 1150's and a 1500 to get a good flow rate for a reef.
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Off The Deep End

Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
+1 the wp25's are awesome and your corals will love the flow and you will like the look of your tank swaying back and forth I like to think of it as coral dancing :)

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Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
Id go WP25, but i wouldnt use 2 of them unless you want water all over your floor.


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Christmas Koralias! Which ones for 120g?

Wp's are amazing pumps. I would run 3 for ultimate random flow one one each side and one on back. Set one on the side to 50% power on wave function. For what it's worth I am a flow junkie.


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
In my 75 I had an 1150 in the back of my rock work and it through sand around (not fine sugar sand) like mad. So I added a 750 instead. I think a 1500 would make a whirlpool in your tank unless you have another one pointed right at it. I used to have the 1150 as my main powerhead but I swapped that for the wp25 that everyone is talking about and I will never go back! Get something that makes currents/waves!


M.A.S.C Club Member
We sell the wp-40s and wp-25s at the store. If you are close let me know if I can make you a deal.


Off The Deep End

Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Vince will you pm me a price on the wp25's.

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Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
My advice would be to try and find youtube videos of people running the pumps you are thinking about and then you see what they can do for flow

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