Clam question


Butterfly Fish
Just received the new Tahitian maxima clam from pacific east aquaculture. he is on the bottom and now will be there for a few days till he is moved to the top with the other one. Is this a good idea. Does anyone else have experience with these clams?


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I would treat it the same as any maxima.


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M.A.S.C Club Member
hopefully its small so it will only require light,(and no photoplankton) I have had great success with small clams becoming used to a tanks parameters. I have had my current maxima for three years and has survived stn and several redbug treatments. this thing is bullet proof. grew from an inch to around four inches. strong lighting and ample cal. and alk. and it will be alright. what did you think of pacific east aquaculture? always thought they had great clams but never wanted to order a clam from that far away, How was it packed?


Butterfly Fish
I thought it was the other way around, the smaller clams require the more phytoplankton, and the larger clams more light, at least is what Dr mac said. I think the clams they have are a great selection to other places. They have a huge selection and the nicest clams I have seen. They care for the clams before selling and clean them and acclimate them for awhile. The price compared to other places is great. You can either take off $25 on the price or get $25 in live stock. Shipping is lower than alot of other places. There shipping is great. they called to confirm you get it and they triple bag and include a ice pack.