Clams not opening

Wicked Color

Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Discosoma, and all mushrooms really, are more closely relates to anemones than anything, they have stinging cells and can release toxins when they come in contact with other corals, or become stressed.
Hehe...just finished moving my shrooms away from the clam when the iPad dinged to tell me dillon +1ed wicked's recommendation.

So the wait continues. What the heck is going to make this clam happy enjoy to open again?

I'm dosing with kalkwasser today...painfully slow drip but I'm unwilling to let a spike happen.
My flameback angle started nipping my maxima after almost a year of being just fine with one another. I thought parameters were my problem as well and tried many of the things that you have. Just don't rule out someone in your tank. Parameters can always be an issue but the longer im in the hobby the more I find that so long as changes happen slowly coral and other aquarium fauna are pretty resilient to non optimal conditions. IMO 75% water change is a bad idea in all but a few extreme situations. My advice is quit bugging it, cut way way back on water changes, and validate that all of your test kits are giving you valid results. Good luck :)
*clears throat* the clam lives!!!!!!!!!!

My maxima is open about 50% and looks haggard but it's opening more and more and still has color and is stil responding to light changes. I guess it may have been the mushrooms the entire time. I had no idea they would sting the clam!

Thanks wicked et al for the help. Good thing is, I learned a ton from this....from shrooms bugging my clam to kalkwasser.
The maxima is still struggling, mind you. But the fact that it was open at all today is a good sign. The fish swimming over it still scare it but I figure that will be the case for the next few days.
This can't be good...found my croceas clam looking odd this morning when the lights came on....your verdict?

My maxima is still not opening much but seems to at least be working its way back to opening.