copepods questions please help


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Not having the tank fully established for 6+ months with nothing eating them will certainly hurt.

My Scooter I think probably only did fine because for some reason it actually liked bits of mysis in addition to bring and even finely chopped human shrimp. Also rock I had was old and established.

I need to figure out a good way of getting a lot of the copepods and amphipods from my refugium up top. Amp too big for return pump. I doubt that many cope. get through assorted filters and through the return. Almost considered trying to move the fish directly into the refugium for a few days here and there, though worried about shalow water and the giant majano monster eating it.

Amphipods getting scary large, if I could get a dozen could fry them and top them on my ramen.


Clown Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
ya i heard ya but from what i know the one i'm getting is eating flake and frozen so hopefully thatll help till i can get everything going

it seems like this is a big question and some help is nice


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
copepods questions please help

I don't think 30gal is enough, I have a 125gal fug full of pods and its still not enough IMO. I don't think u should hesitate gettin the mandarin I would just suggest planning on supplement feeding and training it to eat other food (sounds like it already is) I think mandarins that eat pods look WAY better so get him some either way. Good luck!