I think the idea is amazing, but the reality of putting this together is a challenge. I think it should be treated exactly how a bank or credit union is operated. A deposit is made for a certain value... That deposit is always tracked and kept available in the event of a full withdraw. However, transfers can be made between accounts and members... But only at the agreement/request of the seller or both. Additional frags "interest" is earned the longer the deposit Is in the account and can either be traded or claimed upon withdraw. There can be "tellers" who can track the deposits, withdraws, transfers, etc. and provide a monthly or quarterly statement of some sort.
One of my concerns is who is responsible in the event of a crash, pest infestation, etc, of the bank itself? If a vendor houses the corals, how are we going to make it worth their time to do so? Who is going to fund the cost of setup, water changes etc? Maybe this can come from sale of the "interest" or grow out... But never sale of the original deposit. Kind of like a gold standard; keep enough supply on hand to cover each members investment.
I'm snowballing here... Just thinking out loud.
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