So after the little incident I had a week ago which turned out to pretty much being the equivalent of overdosing my nano with Kalk I came home to something strange last nice. My coralline algae that had begun to cover my marco as well as the really nice stuff on my seed rock has turned white in several spots. I don’t think is spreading or getting worse though and there is still allot of coralline patches present.
I researched on this for at least 4 hours last night and what I found was there is ton of people out there who like to act like they know the reason for it when in reality there are probably several reasons and there are far too many factors usually taking place in each person’s tank for any of these people to really know for sure based on a couple measly clues someone posted or should I say admitted to.
I found nothing conclusive. Most stated that is because calcium is either too low or that the light has changed some way. Neither was my case in fact it was quite the opposite. My calcium had spiked to above 600ppm, how far over I do not know because the test kit doesn’t even go any higher, my alk dropped 1.5 dkh from 9.5 to 8 not out of tolerable ranges but still a hefty drop in a short time, and ph was low at 7.8-7.9 At a time when it typical should be on the high side for the day.
Long story short I believe I just had some coralline die off or bleaching due to such a huge and almost immediate swing in my Calcium levels. (note I never saw it precipitate in the tank) but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. After a week of slowly correcting the issue with 20% water changes my chemistry is back in balance again CA:440ppm Alk:9-9.5dkh MG:~1400ppm, and PH: 8.1-8.2.
I lost a few corals and some inverts but everything else is recovering nicely. So my question does anyone here (know) if high calcium swings can cause coralline to turn white?
I researched on this for at least 4 hours last night and what I found was there is ton of people out there who like to act like they know the reason for it when in reality there are probably several reasons and there are far too many factors usually taking place in each person’s tank for any of these people to really know for sure based on a couple measly clues someone posted or should I say admitted to.
I found nothing conclusive. Most stated that is because calcium is either too low or that the light has changed some way. Neither was my case in fact it was quite the opposite. My calcium had spiked to above 600ppm, how far over I do not know because the test kit doesn’t even go any higher, my alk dropped 1.5 dkh from 9.5 to 8 not out of tolerable ranges but still a hefty drop in a short time, and ph was low at 7.8-7.9 At a time when it typical should be on the high side for the day.
Long story short I believe I just had some coralline die off or bleaching due to such a huge and almost immediate swing in my Calcium levels. (note I never saw it precipitate in the tank) but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. After a week of slowly correcting the issue with 20% water changes my chemistry is back in balance again CA:440ppm Alk:9-9.5dkh MG:~1400ppm, and PH: 8.1-8.2.
I lost a few corals and some inverts but everything else is recovering nicely. So my question does anyone here (know) if high calcium swings can cause coralline to turn white?