I just got done making a cleanupcrew order for my tanks what do u think
Order Items
Quantity Name
35 Assorted Hermits*
50 Astraea tectas*
156 Dwarf Cerith
71 Florida Cerith
55 Nassarius Vibex
34 Nerite Snails (Large)
1 Reef Pods
28 Nerite Snails (Small - Medium)
11 Turbograzer Snail
This should be a pretty good army don't you think?
300 gallon mixed reef
90 gallon bowfront fowlr
Order Items
Quantity Name
35 Assorted Hermits*
50 Astraea tectas*
156 Dwarf Cerith
71 Florida Cerith
55 Nassarius Vibex
34 Nerite Snails (Large)
1 Reef Pods
28 Nerite Snails (Small - Medium)
11 Turbograzer Snail
This should be a pretty good army don't you think?
300 gallon mixed reef
90 gallon bowfront fowlr