Da Tournament Thread


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
This is a straight forward way to create a tournament, for those who don't know.

Click on the Forum tab to access the sub-tab where Arcade is available. Click Arcade.

After you click Arcade, Click on Tournaments.

After you click Tournaments scroll near the bottom, click Create a New Tournament.

After you click Create a New Tournament, you will see this screen. Follow the instructions.

Congratulations you just made a tournament! Now you need to get people to fill the spots.


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Congrats on creating your tourney. This is how you can get people to fill the spots. When you are on this screen, go up to the address bar, select the complete address and press Control + C on your keyboard, this is the Copy command.

Next go over to the search bar and type in "tournament thread." From this point hit "Enter or click the magnifying glass.

You will see this. Click it and scroll all the way to the bottom.

Near the bottom you'll see the Quick Reply box. 1) In there, type in something witty or some kind of taunt followed by the link you copied. To paste the link press Control + V, this is the Paste command. 2)Click "Post Quick Reply." You did it! Now it's up to people to fill the spots. Good Luck.
