Damn youngsters!


Angel Fish
Not even kidding, I was ready to beat the snot out of a couple high school kids last night. Riding my bike home around 10:30 or so, a red blazer or cherokee passes by me and I hear some heckling out the window. No big deal, that happens often. Stop at the light on Horsetooth and they start yelling something out the window. I still didn't pay much attention at this point because I've had that happen a lot too. Riding up the street and this car full of kids will not give up. Eventually they followed me to my house, and for the next five minutes circle around the neighborhood passing by my place.
They eventually sped off when I yelled at them to pull over from the sidewalk in front of my house and started snapping pictures of them with my phone.

I hate that crap. I sat on my front porch until 11:30 waiting for them to come by again. I'd hate to have to mortally wound some underage dip$hit but these kids were askin for it.

Anybody else deal with hecklers, young or old, lately?


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I did a few times I ignored it aswell till I saw them at a party then the fun started there was 5 of them and I was just with one if my close friends. I got in their face and they whimped out never did I see them again lol

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Angel Fish
I don't imagine I'll ever see these kids at a party. I'm 27, they were definitely in high school. I'm not usually one to get worked up over some BS like this, especially when it happens while I'm riding my bike around. I'm always jumping around and crossing traffic quickly so I get a lot of things yelled out of car windows at me. But when you circle by my house, where my family lives, taunting me, you can expect that I'm willing to throw a spade shovel through your passenger window.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
Im more of a cynder block type of guy, but I know exactly what your talking about. I live across the street from a high school, some of these kids these days.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
ReefCheif;174196 said:
..., some of these kids these days.
+1 to this. The only time I witnessed HS kids yell at an older gentlemen was in my neighborhood in my early 20s. They cussed him out in front of his home after he waved his arms for them to slow down...they were going about 45 in a 20.

As a result of their actions, 5 guys in their early 20s hopped in a truck, followed them, and put them in place.

I'm not sure if it's completely a generational thing, or regional as I'm from the NE...but I've both seen and been the target of some belligerent disrespectful kids out here that would've been completely unheard of "in my day".


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
A few years ago, a couple buddies and I were walking home a few female friends home and a car full of teens started heckling us, we ignored them until they jumped out of the car and charged us. Things went down and they dragged one back into their car to speed off, funniest failed beatdown I've ever been a part of. Fast forward to present day, one of my buddies works at a troubled youth center and low and behold.....the guy who got knocked out is now at the facility. Funny how things work out sometimes.

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Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Haven't had too many hecklers......probably because I look like a serial killer.
But there are some teens that should have their a$$es kicked just to teach them a lesson before they
decide to f with someone that is carrying a weapon.