So I have a blue damsel which is acting fine and i'm not worried, however the back 2/5s of him has turned from a vibrant blue to a navy blue. Any ideas as to why?
Yellowtail damselfish are known for this. They seem to do it most often for camouflage when they are stressed and mine turn almost grey to match light things and almost black to match dark surfaces, and they can do it in seconds. It seems that they do this less and less as they settle in though if they are comfortable and not being picked on.
Mine lives in the sump too (or maybe inline frag tank ... w/e you want to call it). I think that's where they all end up. I had two in my tank and they fought some, but not too bad. Then one day one of them took the overflow down to the sump. When I found him 3 days later and returned him to the DT, they were strangers and were trying to fight to the death. The little one got moved to the sump. I took him to my work pico where he was alone for awhile, but when I added a clown goby he tried to kill it, so he got taken home to live in my sump again. I'm not sure I'm ever going to buy another damsel. They really only do OK when they are the smallest thing in the tank (my clowns tend to keep the remaining damsel in my DT in line), or when they are alone in a tank. I now have a clownfish and clown goby at work who get along great.