DBTC frags ready and updated signature to reflect some coral deaths


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Hello, sorry been out of touch for a long time. I have 2 pieces of Green Implosion, 2 pieces of Greenbay Packers, 2 pieces of Blowpops, 1 piece of purple zoas and 2 pieces of pulsing xenia available. Also, sadly, I have lost the Tubbs Blue and Orange Bambams that I received from DBTC. The Goblins Fire zoas just aren't quite ready for fragging yet.


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
pm sent


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I just got rid of the purple zoa. Also, just got rid of 1 of the greenbay packers. Will have another purple zoa frag available soon.


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Dbarnes, you got em. Greenbay Packers are gone now. Send me a pm to figure out pick up.


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Greenbay packers are gone to everyone else that is. Dbarnes, got the last one.


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
bump for some good stuff left!


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Still have 2 pieces of pulsing xenia available, 1 piece of mixed blowpops, 2 pieces of green implosion available!


M.A.S.C Club Member
PM Sent


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If I have a private message going with you, I have corals for you (please continue to p.m. me to arrange pickup). To the rest of the MASC people, it appears as though I have gotten rid of all available corals posted. I will update if anything falls though the cracks and something becomes available again. I remember how good I felt getting my corals from DBTC but it feels even better giving them back to all the reefers! This is fun!


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Thanks Wes for the frags! They are all starting to open. It was nice meeting and chatting with you. Hope the frag I brought you works out.


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No problem Jeff! Nice meeting you too! Glad they're opening up for you. The bambams have already opened and they're beautiful. Thank you!


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Ice, I'll have to keep an eye out for your DBTC, I'm in town as well. I'm hoping to have something to offer here soon :)