Debelius Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus adornatus)


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I'd been looking for a small(ish) fairy wrasse to keep in my tank...initially wanted a flasher, but after keeping FW bettas and gouramis for years, I decided to avoid picking up that one fish that hogs ALL the attention in this small tank (I'm stocking a JBJ 28).

Stopped in yesterday and found exactly what I was looking for; picked up a male Debelius Wrasse for more than a fair price. So stoked that I found a less common fairy for a price that I can afford.

Pics to follow...he was pretty stressed yesterday and changing colors as he settled in while I floated and acclimated him. He swam around for a few minutes before hiding in the rock work for the night since I introduced him under actinics just before lights out. Can't wait for him to settle in and color up...
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Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Can't wait for pics. Oh, and are you saying the flasher wrasse in my tank hogs all the attention? Lol, it's true he does. Only fish every person that's seen the tank has asked about.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
LOL. He does though. Extremely beautiful fish, but for all that time I was staring at your tank I'd be hard-pressed to name any other fish you own. Actually, the clown pair caught my eye...but only because I'd been considering a pair and wanted to see how they interact...that being said I didn't watch them much ;)

My FW tank is a 35 gal stocked with a school of 9 cardinals, 5 rummynose tetras, 5 pencilfish, a killi pair, and a honey dwarf gourami. All anybody ever sees is the male killi gardeneri. The interaction within the tetra schools is so interesting to me, and my tiny alpha male pencil beckfordi is the most interesting fish in the tank imo...nobody has ever even noticed the school of pencilfish since the male killi dances in front of the glass and hogs all the attention with all his iridescent colors.

So basically...yea...I can relate, haha.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Still a bit shy, but caught him peaking out from behind the rocks long enough to get this blurry cell phone pic, lol.



Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member

One more pic...coaxed him out of hiding with some food. Eating like a pig, always a good sign. glass is dirty, lol. A bit lazy after acclimating last night.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
A couple updates on this guy...

May be difficult to see in that second pic, but his right eye was a bit swollen. Decided to keep an eye on things (no pun intended) and see if it improved. It wasn't looking like pop-eye or an infection...figured he just injured it in the transfer to the tank.

The swelling got worse by day 3, but still no sign of infection. I went ahead and did a few doses of 2tsp of epsom salt to the tank for the next few days.

Swelling is now gone and he's super happy. Colored up well too...just not in the direction I expected. Darn look-alike wrasses. I was expecting that red-pink color to lighten up, and for him to start showing some more white as he either matured or acclimated. As his eye healed up and he became comfy in the tank, more blue started to show up in his fins and along his face and body.

Caught him dancing today in full display, and confirmed my suspicions...definitely looks like he was mislabeled to me.

Longfin fairy is what I'm thinking. Ahhh well, I'm committed and he's an awesome much for not having an attention hog though!