Designer Clowns...


M.A.S.C Club Member
so i might be getting my first "designer" clown... other than a naked or nearly naked. Making this thread to see what all you guys have and whats around the area. just trying to see a good variety of clowns to choose what direction i want to go... kind of stuck between a Grade A Picasso Extreme, Frostbite Frozen clown and a Grade A Fancy Snowflake clown.

So basically post a pic or the name of clowns that you guys have and shoot your opinion of the 3 ive sort of narrowed down to!!

View attachment 16274 "A" Fancy Snowflake
View attachment 16275 "A" Picasso Extreme
View attachment 16276 Frostbite Frozen
Do you have a clown already for this guy to hopefully pair up with or are you planning on just having the one?


M.A.S.C Club Member
i have quite a few clowns actually... 5 to be exact. lol. SO i have a few choices as they are in my 180g, only the 2 ive had for the last 2 years are paired... the other 3 play amongst themselves. Honestly i would probably put this fella' in our new nano were setting up to have some sexy shrimp and a few small inverts... so idk if i want it paired up and "breeding"/territorial in a nano tank. But it would be the only fish so no need for aggression
I think the frostbite frozen is pretty awesome. I had to give up the pair I was talking about in an earlier post this weekend (the ones that fought as soon as the blues went on in the afternoon). I could not enjoy my LED's, and the new guy was getting torn to shreds. Next time I vow to only get a pair raised together, and tiny - probably order them - Exotic told me they can get them in that size