Dialing in Calcium Reactor


Staff member
M.A.S.C Club Member
M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
MASC Vice-President
Okay so I cannot get my numbers right since I refilled the CO2.
My ALK is at 5.
My Calcium is at 380.
My Mag is sitting at 1290ish.
My pH is anywhere from 7.5-7.8.

I know part of the problem is ambient CO2 in the air as every time my injector on the skimmer starts to get clogged the pH goes down.

What should my drip rate for my effluent be at? I had it at about 50 drops per minute but I've read it should be at 40-60 mL per minute. Which is it?

I had the CO2 a little high but have dialed it back. It was at about 9 bubbles per minute but is now at 5.

The pH of the effluent was super low 5.8. I've upped the flow through to 45 mL and decreased the CO2 will this help?


M.A.S.C Club Member
Effluent flow depends on tank demand. If you are using ARM media, then you want to adjust bubble rate until your effluent comes out at around 6.5 pH. These changes happen VERY slow (mine changes 0.01 every 10 minutes), so it may take a few days to get the bubbles dialed in. Once you have that figured out, you will have the "magic ratio" for your calcium reactor. If for example you had 50 drops per minute and 5 bubbles per minute to get 6.5 pH effluent, if 50 drops per minute isnt cutting it, try 60 drops per minute and 6 bubbles per minute. If that still isnt cutting it, try 70 drops per minute and 7 bubbles per minute, etc until you match the CaRx to tank demand.
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M.A.S.C Club Member
40 drips and 6 bubbles is a good ratio. Set it up this way and test the effluent for PH and alk. Ph should be around 6.6X and alk should be quite a bit more than your tank. Raise in in this ratio, if it is right for you.

For now, get that alk, calcium and mag up by using some baking soda, calcium chloride and mag chloride. Then, you can test and see how well you are keeping up. Set it, wait 24 hours, test and reset. It takes a LONG time for your changes to take effect, so wait until the next day.