Disaster: Total tank nuke!!! Need advise


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
There's also a guy on craigslist that will deliver RO water...I picked up a bunch from him prior to getting my own RO/DI unit. Including deliver on your first order from him it'd likely come out cheaper than making runs to a LFS if time/storage is an issue for you.

Sorry to hear about the disaster, hope to see your rebuild coming along soon!


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
Man that sucks, but not having a return pump like in a power outage will start to kill fish in as little as a few hours and over 24 hours man that's real risky, sorry to hear about it, good luck with the rebuild :)


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
man oh man. Im soooo sorry to hear about your tank. I can help with an extra canister filter that would clean out the water quicker and when your up and running again Ill throw you some frags as well. I had a similiar issue last year while i was in California. Got a call that there was a funny smell coming fomr the tank and all the coral looked dead. Got home a few days later to find a heater shorting out underwater (none of my fail safes were tripping), quick water changes and removal of the heater and all I ended up dyeing completley were some Xenia, everyhting else slowly came back, I got real lucky, Im very sorry to hear you were nto so lucky. Ill do what ever I can do to help as well, just let me know.


Clown Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Ok so my tank is almost full now. I should have it up and running tomorrow. I ran 5 lines from my storage room to the tank today, 1 for ATO, 2 for water exchange, and 2 for whatever may come in the future. It was a pain in A$$ as I had to run the lines through the ceiling and down the wall behilnd my tank. I ended up having to cut holes in both my ceiling and wall, but they are run. Now to purchase and set up the ATO, then as I can afford, the water exchange. I will have the ATO set up before anything is put back in my tank because the only time my return is getting turned off is for maintance! My sand is black now, I think by the time I get done sucking all the crap out I will need to add another 50lbs. The smell is mostly gone now, thank God. We'll see tomorrow how the start up of the return goes, keep your fingers crossed that nothing else goes wrong. Thanks for the support...Alec