So whats the best way to get your levels back to where you want them after a water change? Should you match the levels in your mixed up WC water by dosing in the bucket or just test the tank a few hours after a WC and than dose if needed? Ive heard that its sometimes hard to match your tank parameters in a bucket because the chemicals tend to precipitate out of solution. But ive also heard that you want your water change water to match the parameters in your tank so there is less swings.
Im kinda confused? Ive just been slowly dosing the tank if needed and everything in my tank looks great But am wondering what others do?
And if some of you dose the WC water to match the tank, what if your parameters of just the mixed salt water are better than those in your tank. Should you be worried about the shift?
Im kinda confused? Ive just been slowly dosing the tank if needed and everything in my tank looks great But am wondering what others do?
And if some of you dose the WC water to match the tank, what if your parameters of just the mixed salt water are better than those in your tank. Should you be worried about the shift?