dwarf seahorse


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Does anyone know where I can get some dwarf seahorses? Seen these online and just completely fell in love with these heard I can put these in an 8 gallon which I'm also looking for. Please let me know if yous know anyone with these and willing to sell


M.A.S.C Club Member
Do you have experience with seahorses? Dwarf seahorses are not exactly beginner friendly, especially in a nano. Either way, be sure to read up on them before you buy. Good luck! Super interesting creatures for sure.


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Really?.. ok thanks for the advice but yeah I heard they weren't to bad to handle and I've seen a few examples in smaller tanks but ok thanks for the advice though.
When I first saw this I thought about the cover article of TFH a few months ago. But upon further research realized those were pygmy seahorses not dwarf. Learned something cool cause of the research I did on this though. Thanks!


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ya make sure you know everything you can on them before buying, they can be very fragile and need specific requirements met, like having a constant supply of pods in the tank, which they will deplete pretty quickly especially in a nano.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Cool. Just want to make sure you know what you are getting into. Take it slow and make it a goal to eventually keep these fish.


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Really?.. ok thanks for the advice but yeah I heard they weren't to bad to handle and I've seen a few examples in smaller tanks but ok thanks for the advice though.


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I did Pygmy seahorses for a bit and I thought they were tougher than a reef. I had to hatch live brine since that was all they would eat. I wasn't careful and introduced hydroids which doomed all my ponies. Also they are so small and fragile that pretty much any filter makes too much flow
Dwaef Seahorses got me started in saltwater in 1962. When my grandmother gave me a "Dwarf Seahorse Kit" for Christmas from the back of an "Outdoor Life" magazine. As a "kid" I kept Seahorses in plastic shoe boxes that held about 2.5 gals and have continued keeping seahorses since! Dwarf Seahorses feed best on newly hatchet live brine shrimp and small "pods". I've not ever been successful getting Dwarf Seahorses eating anything but live foods. One "trick" I used in my Seahorse tank is keeping lots of Peppermint Shrimp with them! Most people don't realize that Peppermint Shrimp will produce lots of young (they don't notice them because of high currents and strong filtration). But the Seahorses, Pipefish and many other fish and inverts love to eat the baby shrimp! Other species like Hippocampus erectus, H. comes, H. kelloggi , H. kuda and H. reidi I've been able to get them eating frozen foods. Some will take it readily and some take a little patients. It's not the species, but each Seahorse has it's own personality. Some are just down right lazy and other are aggressive feeders! As far as tank mates............ most of the SMALL Goby's, Blenny's (Sailfin Blenny's, Emblemaria pandionisone is one of MY favorite), Pipefish, Octocorals and snails do great with them. I've also kept Geometric Hawkfish with them too. The NOT'S to put with them ........anything aggressive! Also most crabs, anemone's, corals and urchins.