Still have 40 breeder for $40
Hollywood stunner frags for $15
Red Monti frags for $10
Red Monti large pieces 5"-10"
Hollywood stunner mini colony's 2-5"
Possibly getting rid of ecoxotic panorama pro strip lighting I had two whites and one blue on my 90 bow front fowler and it lit it up easy and grew zoas
At the top.
I have
2 brand new 2:1 white:blue
1 used 2:1 in great condition
1 used 2:1 with 1 led out
1 used all blue with 6 LEDs out of the 12
1 brand new all blue
2 power supply's
1 3 way splitter
These grow sps easy on a bio cube or you could light a 6' fowler with them pretty easy or a 40 breeder reef there awesome just don't need them anymore make me an offer there's $240 in brand new lights here
Looking for some for my nano wave hmm would love to trade but can throw in money really interested in these lights! I have a skimmer, 36" SunPod and depending on how many I get I have 2 48" Truelumen pro led stripes you could add to your tank?