09bumblebee;186928 said:
Evan that's the exact same stuff I had in my 30. I'd be willing to belp you scrub rock one day if you want to tackle some of it. Thats what I did. Get 2 more sea hairs from Aquamart and drip acclimate them. They are very sensitive to nitrates. My sea hair ate all the rest of the algea I had. I tested iron with a salifert test kit. I also have tons on carbon I'll give you to get started on your reactor. I have some tongs with a hose you should defiantly try. Getting the longer stuff out and letting the sea hair get it when it's shorter. Let me know man I'll help you out to get rid of this crap. Interesting to see 2 totally different tanks and set ups but we both had the same issue. I can also bring you 40 gallons of ro if that will help?
Brian, thanks a ton for the feedback and offer to help me out!! If only you didn't live so far away bro. When you pulled your rock you scrubbed it and then soaked in Peroxide with an RO rinse right? If so, that obviously would "kill" the rock for the most part. Not being able to do that to ALL the rock at once without crashing the system by taking all the "live" out of it, doing it a bit at a time would be the only way. BUT, if the problem persisted, wouldn't it just grow back on the scrubbed rock. I dunno, just trying to think out loud here.
As far as sea hares, my last two were from Aquamart...big guys for the most part. They seemed active (like all the others i've had) for the first 24 hours. However, they just didn't eat anything. My nitrates were under control as well, so I have no idea why I have such bad luck. OH, and I drip acclimate everything!!
Do you have a picture of those tongs you're talking about...that sounds really cool. I'm trying to picture it!
Oh, and I have plenty of RO water, so that isn't an issue! I'll let you know here real soon. I'm going to set up my GFO/Carbon reactor in the next day or two and see if that makes a difference as well. Thanks again, I really appreciate the feedback and offer to help me out! Glad you got yours taken care of...looks great too!!