Filter floss in sump?


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I was wondering if anyone uses filter floss in the sump? I used it for a few weeks and it kept my water super clear. iIm just wondering if there are any pros and cons to it and if anyone does?


M.A.S.C Club Member
i use poly fill from walmart in my nano, in the HOB filter. the only con i can think of is you really have to keep up on changing it. but i love it. its cheap and it keeps my water very clear.


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M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
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I cut some up into small squares (1/2") and ran it in my reactor with gfo. I tossed it every couple of weeks. Worked well. Idk why I stopped...
Use a layer of it combined with a filter sock when Im doing mass cleaning. Keeps the sock from clogging quite so quickly. Havent run it as mech filter for regular use in a long time. Still use it on my freshwater set ups though. Its pretty much staple stock on every filter I have for freshwater.