Flatworm solution?


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I have had flatworms for the past few weeks and was getting by w water changes siphoning the out but it's not getting better. Possible solution for this would be to setup a 5 gallon bucket w freshwater, a 5 gallon w saltwater. Put all live rock piece by piece into fresh then saltwater. Dunk all the corals...only have a few. Move the fish to a holding tank and siphon off the travel and razor blade the walls.
running an hob filter w carbon already and added a second power head to blow them out.
i know this won't get all of them but it'll get a lot and then the fish will get the rest.
Will dipping the live rock kill everything on them or just the flatworms? Shrimps, pods, starfish,etc.
also thought to remove the corals and fish to a holding tank and dosing it w flatworm exit.
I am going to add some bangai cardinalfish and a 6 line when I can. That or a mandarin.


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Flatworm exit will kill them. You will need to dose the tank 3-4 times a week apart to get rid of them. Follow the recommended dosage on the bottle.


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When they start to float around in the water start running carbon and fishing them out of the tank. After you've gotten as many out of the water as you can do a big water change. This way you don't risk killing everything in your tank.

Off The Deep End

Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
MuralReef;288833 said:
Flatworm exit will kill them. You will need to dose the tank 3-4 times a week apart to get rid of them. Follow the recommended dosage on the bottle.
MuralReef;288834 said:
When they start to float around in the water start running carbon and fishing them out of the tank. After you've gotten as many out of the water as you can do a big water change. This way you don't risk killing everything in your tank.

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Did the treatments over a month ago and still no signs or my wrasses are keeping them in check.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Dosed the tank with flatworm exit over the weekend. Took out half my live rock and put it into a 5 gallon bucket with flatworm exit and let it sit for a few hours with a powerhead. Dosed the tank after syphoning as many as I could. Very few were left in the tank and had little to no increase in toxins (anthelia stayed extended for most of the dose. Rinsed off each piece of rock in a seperate bucket with clean saltwater and then put back into the display. Very little increase in ammonia in the ds and no flatworms today! Got a six line wrasse for my son's 2nd birthday this weekend. Thanks for the advice everyone!


M.A.S.C Club Member
Treat the tank again after a week or 10 days. They can hide where the wrasse cannot get to them and once again get to populations where the wrasse cannot keep up. You won't have to take the rock out this time since you will have so few.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Will plan on it! Should I wait until I see them again or just dose it again after 10 days?


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Haven't dosed it again. The wrasse is full all the time and hasn't touched anything I feed the rest. Will dose again this week. Thanks everyone!

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