Frag tank build


M.A.S.C Club Member
I've never done a build thread on here but I've built many tanks. This one will be my first frag tank. The tank will be 24x24x6. The tank was built by Nick Ambrosio, who did a great job. The tank is going to be all in one meaning all the filter components are built into the tank. It is NOT drilling but it WILL have a refugium. The filter takes up the back 4" of the tank. 4x6" for the media chamber, 4x12" for the fuge and 4x6" for the return.

The tank will be lit by 1 AI Hydra. The tank will sit on a custom stand that I built. So far the tank is done. The stand is complete but not stained. I'm just working on a few little things to get it up and running.

Here's some pics of the stand. Pics of everything else will be posted shortly


M.A.S.C Club Member
Nice looking stand. I cannot wait to see the tank.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Really nice looking setup. This makes me want to set up my frag tanks! :banghead:

But oh the trouble I would be in!