FREE! 110 gallon extra high aquarium


M.A.S.C Club Member
Anybody want this? Only catch is that you have to come get it this evening. I'm leaving for California in the morning and want this thing gone. In Boulder.

The back is painted black, hasn't been drilled, it's very dirty and scratched up. Was a reef tank at one point, but has held two carpet pythons for the past two years. Measures 48 by 18 by 30.

call me at five zero three seven eight four seven one zero five if you want it.



Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I call first dibs! just have to check with my parents

KK i cant get one thAT BIG YET


M.A.S.C Club Member
This tank is still available. Who wants it? I'm in Boulder for good now. Send a PM if interested.

If I had a way to transport it, I'd be there in a heartbeat. Can't believe this isn't gone yet. that's crazy.