Free to Good home...Yellow tang and 4.5" Crocea Clam


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Hey all! I am up in Fort Collins and I need to re-home a couple of my little guys.

First is a medium sized yellow tang. He's in great health...had him about 6 months...but can't keep him. He's a good YT, but I don't have the space for him. He was a no-no fish...thought it would only be a few months before my 120 was finished. It looks like it's going to take a while yet, and it's not fair to him to keep him in the smaller tank any longer.

Second is a 4.5" Blue Crocea clam. Got her about a year and a half ago and she's grown a lot...but with all the re-scaping I am doing and my parameters jumping around, she is starting to show signs of stress. (Bleaching in the margins a little) Want her to go to a good home before stress turns into disease.

Reply here or PM me and we can set a time to get together.

I would ask that anyone who gets these guys please bring a container to transport in...I am low on containers right now.

Thanks for reading
SquidBreath;287143 said:
Hey all! I am up in Fort Collins and I need to re-home a couple of my little guys.

First is a medium sized yellow tang. He's in great health...had him about 6 months...but can't keep him. He's a good YT, but I don't have the space for him. He was a no-no fish...thought it would only be a few months before my 120 was finished. It looks like it's going to take a while yet, and it's not fair to him to keep him in the smaller tank any longer.

Second is a 4.5" Blue Crocea clam. Got her about a year and a half ago and she's grown a lot...but with all the re-scaping I am doing and my parameters jumping around, she is starting to show signs of stress. (Bleaching in the margins a little) Want her to go to a good home before stress turns into disease.

Reply here or PM me and we can set a time to get together.

I would ask that anyone who gets these guys please bring a container to transport in...I am low on containers right now.

Thanks for reading
I'll take them when can I pick them up

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Staff member
M.A.S.C Club Member
M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
B.O.D. Member-at-Large
I could also pick them up today so second I guess


Staff member
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MASC Vice-President
Do you still need to borrow the router? Yours whenever if it helps ya.


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Dr. Tutu hi!
Actually the project is stalled. Turns out I need to rough out the rocks more before I cut these overflows.
So that is what I am doing now. I got the bug in my ear from reading the boards here that this E-Marco 4000 reef cement is good stuff and could solve some problems for me...
Anyway blah blah blah...listen to me ramble... :)
I would love to hit you up later on that router if the offer is still open in a couple weeks :)


Staff member
M.A.S.C Club Member
M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
MASC Vice-President
SquidBreath;287247 said:
Dr. Tutu hi!
Actually the project is stalled. Turns out I need to rough out the rocks more before I cut these overflows.
So that is what I am doing now. I got the bug in my ear from reading the boards here that this E-Marco 4000 reef cement is good stuff and could solve some problems for me...
Anyway blah blah blah...listen to me ramble... :)
I would love to hit you up later on that router if the offer is still open in a couple weeks :)
Whenever you are ready. Just sitting in the basement.