FS 120 Gallon Setup

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Cleaner Shrimp
I am moving and have to sell my 120 Gallon tank setup which includes the stand and canopy. It is drained and has been cleaned up a little, but will probably need more cleaning before getting it setup to run. It is currently in my basement, but will be moved up to my garage on Saturday. I will include everything listed below for $450 or sell just the Tank, Stand, Canopy, 40B Sump, and Return Pump for $250. I am located in Ft Collins. This tank has been owned by Seth Solomon and I think drharlem.

Full Setup Includes:
Glass Tank
Corner Dual Durso Overflows
Black Wood Stand
Black Wood Canopy
2x 250w DE MH Pendants
2x 36" Blue LED Stunner Strips
2x Clip On Fans in Canopy
Jebao RW-15
Fine Sand (will fill up 2-3 inches)
40B Sump
Medium Sized Generic Skimmer
Return Pump with All Plumbing
Sump Light
2x Avast Marine Media Reactors
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