FS: 72 gallon reef ready bow front

I finally broke down my display fuge. Here is what is for sale:

Live sand: I have two 5 gallon buckets full of live sand 25$ per bucket OBO

Live rock: I have a ton of live rock now in my sump. It is relatively clean and good to go to a new home- 3$ per pound

72 gal bowfront RR all glass aquarium: 72$ OBO (I have a glass top for this that is included if someone wants it.)

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
I would be interested in the glass lids if whom ever buys the tank doesnt want them.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Make it to Arvada and I have 5 gallons buckets..... Long way to go for a bucket though
The tank is still for sale, I have a 20" tall stand made of 2x4s for it but it no longer has the stand that it came with. The tank is in great shape. I need to get this thing out of my garage soon