FS: MH Ballasts


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Changing lighting setups so these have gotta go. All prices OBO so make me an offer!!!

(1) PFO 400W ballast with mogul base 400W Corallife 20K lamp with 5 months use. (I belive this ballast can be used for HQI or mogul.) ---$65 OBO
(1) Dual 175W Magnetic ballast with mogul bases. Lamps need to be replaced. ---$85 OBO
(1) 175W Magnetic ballast that fires bulb then shuts off not sure what's wrong. --- Free (get this outta my garage.)
(1) Spider Reflector. Make offer or can be included with the ballast of your choice.
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Im interested in the dual 175w ballast with that spider reflector and possibly the broken 175. would you do $80 for both. I would need to find a time this week to drive down to aurora