FS Mojano Wand

As stated. I have ahd it about 4 months and have actually had decent results with it. I am getting a laser so i can fry the little bastards. I bought it for 120$ and am selling it for 45$ pm me if you are intereseted. Here is a link http://majanowand.com/


M.A.S.C Club Member
so if i were to use this for 4 months what should i expect ...sounds like you still have apstasia or are you just getting the laser in case you need it in the future?
I think I will always have aptasia.... lol I am still learning how to combat them, I finally found a group of peppermints that will kill them and I now keep them in my sump so I can add to my tank as needed. This thing works but you have to make sure u really zap it..... it's not like u just get near aptasia and they explode. I'm getting the laser because I can then do it from outside my tank and I can use it for other things,. I will also write a review of it for masc so others can see if they want to try laser...... that being said I wasn't has impressed with the mojano wand as I had hoped but that's not to say it was bad, I think I just had really high hopes and unrealistic visions of aptasia exploding on contact never to be seen again.