I dig the layout and the circles thing, brilliant! This will smash facebook. My biggest problem with FB is the fact I have to watch what I post due to family and work friends. I know I can add them to groups or whatever its called but honestly it a PIA. If the circles is as simple as drag and drop then facebook will fall like myspace. Google is smart, they are integrating everything and thats what people want, kinda scary at the same time..
Wait a minute...just checked out the sparks feature, now that is genius!!!!! Am I understanding it correctly. When you post something you give it a "keyword" or topic, called a "spark" and people can subscribe to your spark? So lets say I make a post about DJ'ing, everyone in that "spark" see's that post? Man that is so cool. So that stupid annoying "drama" persons "drama" posts (we all know you all have at least one friend like that airing their lifes laundry on FB lol) can be filtered out while you still see the relevant posts. Too cool!!