Happy 4:20!


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
When I say that cigarettes are worse than pot, I'm assuming that the studies on second hand smoke are correct even though I think they are overreaching.
I guess my problem is that I only have anecdotal evidence about pot users and a lot if it was obtained from the 1970's hehe (damn, I'm old). I haven't seen
the effects that you have......maybe they should actually report on these incidents in the news more often. If I was to ever smoke pot again it would be for the
sole reason that I wanted some sleep because that's the big affect it had on me LOL.

Wicked Color

Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
ShelbyJK500;162681 said:
My comment was directed toward the idea of..."Honestly, its a dig at anybody who thinks they have the right to tell others how to live." To me this is where the slippery slope to anarchist ideas begin. If none of us think we/society have a right/obligation to hold others accountable in certain ways they "live"....then most (all for some) laws should not exist.

Sorry for the confusion, my specific comment that you are looking at was based on those "ideas" not on anything specific, until complete legalization of all drugs came up. ;)
Sounds like you want control over every aspect of another individuals every thought and decision making process????
I am glad we live where we do, because I am a FREE man able to make my own decisions, whether you deem them a mistake or not, not everybody has to see things your way.
A society where everyone is treated exactly the same and cannot have any free thought already has a name, its called communism, and you live in the wrong country for that approach!

Wicked Color

Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Also...there are countries that have completely decriminalized all drug use, offering treatment to addicts, treating it like the HEALTH issue it is, instead of a criminal one, the result has been a huge decline in addiction rates.
BTW I totally agree with the Darwinism approach to allowing junkies to OD, in the shallow end of the gene pool swimming was never an option.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Interesting read. I am curious. Those who appose so strongly to marijuana use why do you not have such strong feelings towards alcohol and tobacco? I see a passion against weed yet you socially drink? We obviously know the horrors due to the outcome of cigarettes and alcohol yet they are still legal.

IMO the only reason weed is a issue is because of our social upbringing. We have the idea that drugs (marijuana) are horrible which is engrained into our heads throughout our school years. All and all though, we are a progressive society and a majority of people are starting to realize "hey, this isn't so bad" and laws are changing. The social stigma of pot is going away, same with gay marriage, same with immigration and many other controversial subjects. It is a double edge sword though and IMO we are losing the moral fabric of our society. At the end of the day though what we do is ultimately our decision regardless of laws in place and we as a society have to decide if the consequence is worth the crime.

I will say this, the child who ate a pot brownie and OD'd is a silly ground to stand on to be against weed. Idiots (the parents who left the brownie laying around for the kid to find and eat) are everywhere. The same thing can happen with a bottle of alcohol, a pack of ciggies, a bottle of Vicodin, a xanax bar, etc. It's time we as Americans (or even better, the human race) take responsibility for our own actions. Its not the governments fault for legalizing weed and your kiddo eats that special browny, its your fault for being a irresponsible parent.

On a last note, I do find it pretty funny how this is such a heated topic of debate while our own government helps distribute much more addictive and destructive drugs like percocet, xanax, methadone, klonopin, etc, yet the crowd on this issue is relatively quite.

Go back to Bed America. You are free to do as we tell you, you are free to do as we say.



Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
A big problem I have with this thread is the opinions that are stated like facts with ZERO sources cited to back up what they are saying. If these things are true then give us some scientific studies or media reported anecdotal evidence like others in this thread have.
This is just one example I really felt like I had to set straight. You can not OD on weed. You can not die directly from the consumption of marijuana. Every chemical has an LD50. A concentration that will be lethal to 50% of any given population (normally rats for testing). Marijuanas LD50 is so high it would be impossible to actually consume this amount at any one time.
here is just one source with such information. Don't like that source? search for another, I guarantee you will not find any information on weed killing people. Caffeine is much more dangerous in this respect with a LD50 of 200mg/kg and nicotine with a LD50 of 50mg/kg.... Marijuana's LD50 is 1,270 mg/kg


M.A.S.C Club Member
Zooid;162686 said:
I agree with most of what you said.....and believe it or not.....I consider myself a conservative too...mostly on the fiscal side....I'm more libertarian on the social side.
One question, I agree that people should not be driving after smoking pot, but if you don't want to make it legal to smoke even if you don't drive, should we also make
alcohol illegal again? It didn't work the first time, I don't think it would work now either. We should enforce anti-pot DRIVING laws. I believe you can be cited for DWAI
and it can be just as effective as a DWI or DUI for the offenders.
THIS, is where things get completely "gray". I don't want to get too off course from the topic at hand but, I personally could care less if alcohol was made illegal again. Of course that will never work and I would miss the occasional beer or two. ;) I can tell you that I could also care less if people consume these substances responsibly. However, I can tell you from both first hand experience and data driven information that LARGE amounts of people do not use substances responsibly. Here are some stats put out by NHTSA (National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration); Alcohol impaired vehicle crashes cost more than $37 Billion annually. In 2010 more than 10,000 people died in alcohol impaired accidents. I know from other statistics that on a Friday or Saturday night after 9 p.m., 1 out of every 10 cars on the roadway has a driver impaired by alcohol. For every DUI arrest made, that person has reasonably driven 60 prior times under the influence without being caught. I have seen the numbers for alcohol related motor vehicle deaths as high as 23,000 annually. The NHTSA stat is only for those OVER the legal limits as imposed. The higher death toll statistic is for alcohol "related", meaning not necessarily rising to the level of "under the influence" but more probably "while ability impaired". This many times is delineated by the blood alcohol content laws (per se laws). Which now stands at .08g of alcohol per 210 liters of breath. "Impairment" remains between the .05g and .08g range.


We live in a society where a LARGE amount of the population do not make responsible decisions. The original prohibition movement was based on some of this same premise. Alcohol was the biggest common denominator to crime, domestic abuse, poverty and health care problems during that time. (Much like it is today) You don't have to repeat history, you use history to make better decisions and learn from failures. I believe (personally) that limited prohibition would alleviate (not eliminate) a great deal of the horrendous after effects of substance abuse/misuse.

Why in the world would we introduce another substance (MJ), that until a recent upsurge (last 10 years), was not as heavily/widely used drug?? Heck, the battle when I was in school was cigarette use and the prevention/education of teens against smoking. It wasn't MJ. The difference to me is the impairment factor of MJ.

To answer your question more specifically; I would have no issue with prohibition again, only on a much different & reasonable level. I could go much more in depth with ideas and such but will try to stay short-winded. ;) And YES, people who drive under the influence of drugs are arrested and charged with DUID not DWAI. This is already a skyrocketing trend/issue. The legalization and widespread availability of MJ resulting from such, will only exasperate the already out-of-control problem further.

Wicked Demon;162692 said:
Sounds like you want control over every aspect of another individuals every thought and decision making process????
I am glad we live where we do, because I am a FREE man able to make my own decisions, whether you deem them a mistake or not, not everybody has to see things your way.
A society where everyone is treated exactly the same and cannot have any free thought already has a name, its called communism, and you live in the wrong country for that approach!
Laughable, I have no idea how you extrapolated that out of my comments!! LOL I couldn't be more polar opposite from communism!! I'm already beside myself at current government leaders (cough cough), trying to socialize our country...which is the first transitional step toward communism. Disgusting.

Freedom and it's premise should always only extend as far as you don't harm or potentially harm others, thereby infringing on their freedom. This is why laws exist even in a freedom based culture/society. True and absolute freedom only lives in anarchy, because there are no laws that tell you can't do a certain thing or act a certain way. Now, you can have personal anarchy and feel that you are FREE to do whatever you want, fine. However, if your "free" decision to live your way leads someone to say, steal from another...should there not be punishment or laws to prevent that "lifestyle" if you will?? From a philosophical standpoint, we are all completely "free" in that you can think and act in WHATEVER form you decide. However, most learn at a certain young age, there are consequences for certain "free" acts.

NOTHING can prevent certain acts from happening, that is why law enforcement, in any form and in any society, will almost always be reactionary. Once the 'free' act is done though, if it has harmed another or potentially harmed another, there should be consequences. This is a civilized form of a free society.

Wicked Demon;162693 said:
Also...there are countries that have completely decriminalized all drug use, offering treatment to addicts, treating it like the HEALTH issue it is, instead of a criminal one, the result has been a huge decline in addiction rates.
BTW I totally agree with the Darwinism approach to allowing junkies to OD, in the shallow end of the gene pool swimming was never an option.
I'm confused. If you want decriminalization so that addictions can be treated as the Health issue you mentioned, then why is there this callousness to say hopefully junkies will OD? Where is the humanity and compassion in that scenario if it is truly a health issue?? To me this is speaking out of both sides of one's mouth. Saying that something is a health issue and should be allowed treatment and no consequences (criminally), but out of the other side of the mouth saying that those with the health issue should just OD and leave the strongest to survive?? I don't want to live in that society.

I have had family members, friends and significant others with substance abuse problems. I would never desire to see them left to flail around, labeled as the shallow end of the gene pool. I have also lost close friends to the same, at the hands of others with substance abuse problems. So it is a polarized topic for me.

Wicked Color

Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
LOL, its saying the same thing, let the people make their own choice, if they realize they have a problem and want help, treatment is available, but if they have no self control, and are weak enough to be a junkie who over dosed, so be it, we dont need that scum around anyway.
If not drugs, it would be cheeseburgers and scratch tickets, they were going to ruin their life no matter what.
I have also witnessed substance abuse in family and friends, the difference between us is I realize that my opinion is just that, you think your opinion can be pushed on others to the point of control, where do you draw the line on this slippery slope? To much fat in the doughnuts? To much caffeine in the coffee? To much sugar in the candy? Alcohol prohibition? These are all bad for you, and have the potential for abuse.


Registered Users
M.A.S.C Club Member
SteveT;162777 said:
This is just one example I really felt like I had to set straight. You can not OD on weed. You can not die directly from the consumption of marijuana. Every chemical has an LD50. A concentration that will be lethal to 50% of any given population (normally rats for testing). Marijuanas LD50 is so high it would be impossible to actually consume this amount at any one time.
While that is true about the LD50, there are other side effects to the drug that are deadly. Go look at the articles I posted earlier in the thread. I have the sources sited, which are well known people in the medical fields.


Registered Users
M.A.S.C Club Member
Wicked Demon;162864 said:
LOL, its saying the same thing, let the people make their own choice, if they realize they have a problem and want help, treatment is available, but if they have no self control, and are weak enough to be a junkie who over dosed, so be it, we dont need that scum around anyway.
and what about those who raise to power in this system of no laws where everyone does as they feel?

Who is to stop the gang of people to come into your house, steal all your valuables, and then burn it to the ground? It was the choice they made.

You are right, there needs to be a line drawn in the sand somewhere. However no one can say where that is, especially in a government like ours. The people with the money and power set the line. A world where people do as they please for no regard for anyone else, and no one in power to prevent it is anarchy. There are no examples in all of human history showing this type of system to work. Even in nature there are laws that are enforced by the species.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
ShelbyJK500;162677 said:
This slippery slope leads to anarchist type of society. Hence, the "legalize all drugs" commentary that is beginning. ;)
Legalization and ending prohibition is absolutely what this country was founded on. This has nothing to do with anarchy. Otherwise why would I suggest taxation and government oversight? This country was founded by rebels fighting against governing they didn't agree with. Now the 4:20 day is a bunch of lazy stoners that should be at work or in class. Maybe they should protest with a purpose, just like the wallstreeters, but face it we are raising generation upon generation of mediocrity. All I am suggesting is we have better things as a notion to address. And better ways to spend the money.

ShelbyJK500;162679 said:
I can't begin to start a commentary on "legalizing everything". ;) However, one thing I can't get past is this. In the process of "junkies smacking themselves out of existence"...how many innocent people will be hurt or killed in the process? What is the acceptable amount of collateral damage in this scenario??
How much collateral damage is acceptable in the war on drugs? Taking the cartels out of the equation and letting the government manage it couldn't be any worse, right? A meth or crack head is still going to steal, no matter what.

Wicked Color

Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
that0neguy1126;162899 said:
and what about those who raise to power in this system of no laws where everyone does as they feel?

Who is to stop the gang of people to come into your house, steal all your valuables, and then burn it to the ground? It was the choice they made.

You are right, there needs to be a line drawn in the sand somewhere. However no one can say where that is, especially in a government like ours. The people with the money and power set the line. A world where people do as they please for no regard for anyone else, and no one in power to prevent it is anarchy. There are no examples in all of human history showing this type of system to work. Even in nature there are laws that are enforced by the species.
I dont think there should be no laws.
I just think prohibition laws are ridiculous.


Registered Users
M.A.S.C Club Member
Sorry Aaron, some of the comments I have read have seemed to imply this, and not just yours.

am glad we live where we do, because I am a FREE man able to make my own decisions, whether you deem them a mistake or not
Honestly, its a dig at anybody who thinks they have the right to tell others how to live.
Everyone is free to make there own decisions, it is what makes this country great. However, everything has a consequence.
Everyone always tells everyone else how to live. We even do it on these boards when we bash people for doing something we feel is stupid. It's human nature to mimic others and to want others to mimic you.

I agree with you though on the weed. I think it is a culture thing and a history/society thing. I have no doubt in about 20 years it will be legal. The only reason it is not is because the people making the argument for it (no disrespect intended) really suck at making the argument for it.
But where do we draw the line, do we legalize everything like you suggest?
Whats the difference again between prohibiting me from doing drugs, and prohibiting me from robbing you?
How much of a stretch is it to say that my car jacking you was my own decision and I am free to do as please. and that by you saying that's wrong, you are telling me how to live? I am more powerful than you, why should I not take what I want?

Wicked Color

Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
that0neguy1126;162919 said:
Sorry Aaron, some of the comments I have read have seemed to imply this, and not just yours.

Everyone is free to make there own decisions, it is what makes this country great. However, everything has a consequence.
Everyone always tells everyone else how to live. We even do it on these boards when we bash people for doing something we feel is stupid. It's human nature to mimic others and to want others to mimic you.

I agree with you though on the weed. I think it is a culture thing and a history/society thing. I have no doubt in about 20 years it will be legal. The only reason it is not is because the people making the argument for it (no disrespect intended) really suck at making the argument for it.
But where do we draw the line, do we legalize everything like you suggest?
Whats the difference again between prohibiting me from doing drugs, and prohibiting me from robbing you?
How much of a stretch is it to say that my car jacking you was my own decision and I am free to do as please. and that by you saying that's wrong, you are telling me how to live? I am more powerful than you, why should I not take what I want?
There is a big difference between personal civil liberties, and infringing on another individual.
There is always going to be theft, murder, and rape, regardless of the legal status of controlled substances.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Wicked Demon;162943 said:
There is a big difference between personal civil liberties, and infringing on another individual.
There is always going to be theft, murder, and rape, regardless of the legal status of controlled substances.
What Aaron said. We are talking about a freedom that does not effect anyone but the person making the choice. Selling, purchasing and doing drugs. Robbing someone to pay for them is still a crime. If you can't see the line between the two....well you never will. You have the right to your beliefs, but they should in no way impact mine. Just like you shouldn't have to live by my rules. If you did, all religion would be illegal. More people have been killed in the name of their god than anything else.

In the end though, anarchy and the fall of our society are more likely than ending prohibition of drugs. And I am not going to do any of them, legal or not. I like rum and whiskey better:) Not together though.