Have to sell out. Lots of good stuff here!


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Hey all.
Big life changes in my life are forcing me to sell out of the reefing obsession.
Lost my job and trying to get by until the house sells
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Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Weird...let's try this again...

Hey all.
Big life changes in my life are forcing me to sell out of the reefing obsession.
Lost my job and trying to get by until the house sells


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
For some reason it's cutting all but the first few lines out of my cut and paste...hmm.

Hey all.
Big life changes in my life are forcing me to sell out of the reefing obsession.
Lost my job and trying to get by until the house sells


Cleaner Shrimp
SquidBreath;646771 said:
Hey all.
Big life changes in my life are forcing me to sell out of the reefing obsession.
Lost my job and trying to get by until the house sells
I'll take the reef link.. If you can give me a few days as I'm overseas until Tuesday


M.A.S.C Club Member
I'll take the ATO if you can do PayPal

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


M.A.S.C Club Member
I'll take the ATO. Confirm that it's mine and I'll send you the $

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Irishman...sent PM...on ato

Crusty hey...I don't actually know if the reeflink works with the gen1 radions. I messed with it a little but never got around to getting it set up.

Sctip...Skimmer and Reactors

CmacLD Reeflink set aside for you.

Juan hey...I'm in Windsor
SquidBreath;646940 said:
Irishman...sent PM...on ato

Crusty hey...I don't actually know if the reeflink works with the gen1 radions. I messed with it a little but never got around to getting it set up.

Sctip...Skimmer and Reactors

CmacLD Reeflink set aside for you.

Juan hey...I'm in Windsor
I'm interested in your rodi. When was the last time you replaced the filters? I'm also interested in the mixing stuff too.