Heater died, Merry Christmas to me!


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
So I came home from a Christmas Eve party, and no sooner am I getting ready for Santa when my Apex begins playing its song of doom! Then I get a Text and an Email with dire messages from my Apex. My water temp went from 77/78 to under 73. So I go to the sump downstairs and pull out the old titanium 1000w heater, and it is as cool as Santa's cup of milk for dippin cookies! So I rummage through many boxes of old fish stuff (Yes, I am a fish hoarder) and I find 3 old heaters. One is 150w and the other 2 are 50w. So that 250w was able to hold my temp at a constant 73.6 all night. I ordered 2 new heaters which will arrive on Wednesday.

So do you think I'm ok running the reef at 73 until Wednesday evening? Or do you think I should buy or borrow a larger heater to get me back up to 77/78 until Wednesday?

Shame on me for relying on only 1 large heater, I should know better. So I went with 2 x 800w Finnex titanium heaters.... Luckily this problem happened before I am about to leave town on the 1st! Should have it up and running before we leave, so yeah for that. That's me searching for a silver lining :drool:


M.A.S.C Club Member
I would borrow a heater and also crank your home thermostat up to like 75 or so.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I'm up to 74.3 from 72.7 in less about 18 hours. I think I'll monitor again until tomorrow morning and see if I can't get into the 75's.


Staff member
M.A.S.C Club Member
M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
MASC Vice-President
I have a couple extras but probably too late to help. Let me know,

This week we had a $350 vet bill and had to replace our washing machine… Always something.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
I have a couple small heaters you can borrow in Brighton, if you decide you need more. I would also make sure your heaters running now, are far enough apart the don't shut down the next one in line.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Thanks everyone. At 3:30am I was awoken by Apex belting out the song of doom again. Dropped all the way down to 72.6, so I'm going to go out and pick up a 300w today just to keep as a backup and get me through till my 800w heaters arrive on Wednesday.