Heater question


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I'm taking my 30 gallon and splitting it into two tanks. Ones a 65 w metal halides the other is a 14 w LEDs.
I need a second heater, currently have 100w jaeger rated up to 40 gallons.
Should I get a new one rated for the 65 or a smaller one for the 14.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
Depending on what temperature you keep your house you may need a chiller for the tank with the metal halide and a heater for the tank with the LED. MH puts ff alot of heat.

We have 2 tanks as well, neither of which have a heater or chiller. The room with the 14 gallon is kept at 75 degrees, this has a hood with T5 Lights, which keeps the tank at a perfect 79 degrees during the day, 78.5 at night, the room with the 29 gallon is kept at 72 degrees and that tank maintains a constant temp of 79 as well, this tank is LED lit, but has a larger return pump and skimmer, allowing for a temp exchange in the sump. Neither have heaters, I use my natural enviroment to regulate my tanks. It took a little while to get this dialed in, but ive been running both tanks like this for over 6 months with no issues.